Avant = Real Music

Avant + Real Music
Thank You 
Written By: Nadynezworld

Homage should be granted to those who deserve the accolade

I can't remember a heart break you didn't help with! Just the other day I wasn't feeling strong,
 I wasn't feeling like myself, I put my head phones on and proceeded to play Director the album. 
After so many hits by you this particular album has and will always be a top ten in my playlist! Like every other music lover I screamed the lyrics of Separated for a break up! Every song touched with Keke Wyatt was pure genius! Not many collaborations can be consistent hits!
Like every lover of romance and R&B Making Good Love was on that Shhh playlist, but Director truly was an amazing album, cover too cover, and a personal favorite!

An album truly honoring everything about a woman!
I am not sure if you hear it enough in a world where great artist get shadowed by sound effects and gimmicks but I needed to remind you that 
There are songs that should remain new forever, I believe 
So many Ways, Grown Ass Man, Right Place Wrong Time, With You, 4 Minutes, Director,  Mr. Dream,  and most of all Now You Got Someone are those types of songs , that last song in particular is so amazing and one of my favorite songs of all times! It speaks a story many woman don't dare to tell, and the love and persistence it takes to help a woman's broken heart to love again! The loss of trust is hard to recover from, this song tells woman that good men exist! 
It tells woman to be fearless! To love and trust again, to know their worth, and most notably that shity men are not the only thing that exist, good men are not fabricated figments of the imagination, they exist and they are out there! 

Today I just wanted to say thank you! Thank you for all the music you provided and will continue to provide the world, Music feeds all aspects of your emotional necessities. Sometimes a great song can change your perspective and give you the courage to do things no person can! Sometimes music is the reason behind great decisions, and your track list has truly inspired many great moments for myself and I'm sure many others! 

It is my hope that blessings continue to come in abundance for you and may you continue to sing beautiful life time favorites for us to hear! 

To find out more On Avant follow him on Instagram @avantmusic For all news avant go too +Avant Music News 

Yours Literally and intellectually,
Follow me on Instagram @Nadynezworld and
On snap Chat @Queennadyne 
