At times we forget the importance of valuing those we love most, because sometimes were too immature or ignorant to what we already have. Most people go on in there day without even thinking about the one person that should always be on their mind!
Does she clean for you, does she tend to you when your hungry or in pain! If you had nothing would she stand by you until your standing tall on your feet again?
Most men seek temporary thrills, and break beautiful hearts for frugal entertainment most times!
There is an entire world of people out there with no concern for genuine love, the desperation to come up easily is prominent, in simpler terms people rather get a cheap thrill with nothings rather than make home a paradise for the person who deserves that level of love!
The simplest gestures and actions can change a persons day and perspective, but if you have no concern or desire to truly give what you promise or actually should give the loss in the end for you is much more painful.
Imagine if you will, your in a seemingly great relationship but you tell your spouse continuously something needs fine tuning, the issue is seldom talked about, your emotions are completely ignored even if pain and tears are evident nothing changes,
Because I speak from experience I can tell you, your feelings being ignored is probably the first sign of the demise of a relationship!
If a person can care less that something they do hurts you emotionally then the facts are, even if love is slightly evident, deep down you are well aware that love isn't real, its completely one sided and no relationship you build or encounter should be painful or one sided! Ladies tend to conform to a mans behavior because once they love it's usually all in even when its all bad! Men are more impulsive they solely act on impulse and lack of self control. They will tell you they love you in the dark but what do they do to prove it in the light? If the answer is nothing but you still stay, please keep reading!
We woman as a whole tend to easily hand over our self esteem, something ain't right and we automatically blame ourselves for it! Thing is sometimes your spouse just ain't shit! You can pretend otherwise but facts will always be facts! Why should you be too blame when someone is failing you?! Love is just a word if a person does nothing to prove what comes out their mouth! Therefore although the words are greatly appreciated I'm sure, one must evaluate what exactly it is that they are settling for! Is the situation simply comfortable or equally beneficial?
Again if we are still on that one sided shit, it's bad!
Pay close attention,
if you put all the weight on one side of a boat eventually the shit will sink! Just like a relationship! Don't lose focus because the world can be very distracting, people are no longer real, their pretentious and selfish, self absorbed and cocky. Forgetting that no one on this planet is untouchable, and what good does it do for anyone to say they lived it up in life if in the end they lose their life due to their poor choices?
One can truly die while still alive, most the world is okay with redundancy on all levels! They will sell themselves short simply to be seen through eyes that are blind!!! The approval from the world becomes more important than the actual love from those who deserve their effort, but most times the bad guy ends up with a life of regret, while that amazing woman he forfeited is eventually loved the way she deserves by another man
There is truly nothing worse than losing someone you know you should've kept!!!
They say happiness is a personal thing, I believe that too an extent, truly there is no greater feeling than loving and being loved in return! But I'm learning that a one sided love will sink eventually, hopefully your paddles can sustain a while longer, But if in fact you feel the strain either fix it or set it loose! Time is the one thing we borrow for our entire lives, and never can we truly repay the privilege of being alive! To have someone that would give you everything is a privilege because in this world it is seldom that you can find that cherish it because you may not know it now but when you no longer have that person, living won't be the same even though your forced to keep doing it!
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