Set a standard to live by

By: Nedynia NHM

In recent months I have been speaking with an old friend. She lives a very complex life. Her co-dependency has gotten the best of her to say the very least. Im in no way bad mouthing her because i love her to death but this piece is an ode to her!

When did love become the reason so many have lost there way. Is it not simply an emotion? Does it define a person's overall value? I've loved and surely I have been loved, can I understand the emphisis so many put on love? Yes I believe I can.

Love is one of the biggest displays of selflessness. Its a leap of faith an individual takes. You put your faith in a person and that in itself can be a very trying situation. It's ok to love, but it is never ok to love another individual more then you love yourself.

If you know your worth, no one in this world can depreciate that regaurdless of what they do. It's crucial to love yourself before you attempt to love someone else!

We all dream of that perfect love. The love that lets the world know we are here, we are noticed, we are appreciated. But in my opinion love is made way to complicated. Like many others emotions, love comes with coping mechanisms. Its up to the individual to create the manual or the standard they choose to live by!

Loving yourself is the first step because it sets precedent for whats expected from those whom also claim to love you. Love is just words until the word is put into action it bares no relevence period! When someone loves you it doesnt mean they are perfect it simply means they will do everything to prove what they say is accurate and true!

Imagine if you took everything someone said literally. You'd probably lose your mind trying to understand your own life. Setting a standard for yourself should be the first step in every decision. It will dictate an outcome thats always exceptable by you. Anothers person love does not define you. Who you are and what you think about yourself illustrates your character and defines you!

If you find that someone does not love you in a way that you would love yourself, it's probably safe to move on! Playing with emotions is like dancing on fire, seems cool at first but stand there long enough and you'll get burned! The bigger picture is always the best illustrative imagery. Your eyes never lie, your mind never lies, but your heart is threacherous and can lead you into crisis!

love always Nedynia aka NHM

