Hello Everyone
I know it's been about a month since my last post but I have good reason. I've started my journey to better health. Since my last post I've lost 12.2 pounds and I feel really good. As you all know I've had a rough 9 months, losing my daughter was the biggest pain I've ever felt. I turned to all the wrong things, Foods and people to find comfort. THEN I WOKE UP!

My daughter Sade taught me that when life is tough you fight, you fight to live, you fight to survive, you fight because your strong enough to do so. When I got on that scale I could'nt believe how far I'd gone, those who love me pretended not to see but in avoidance they enabled me to blind myself. We were made in God's image, with the yearning to live. Every soda, every burger, every ounce of poison we put into our bodies is in essence the timeline were giving ourselves. Unforseen occurances happen every second of the day, some we can't control, but many more we can.

No way, but if you start by asking yourself,
What am I eating?
Why am I eating it?
What will this do to my body & health?
You will slowly strengthen what I call "YOUR HEALTH FOOD INTAKE CONSCIENCE"

I do 30-45 minutes of Excersize daily with One day off.
I drink 8 glasses of water Daily (no excuses)
I avoid Saturated fat, Hydrogenated Oils, NO SODA Of any kind, Only natural juices (NOT OFTEN)
No white rice, No white bread, No beef, pork, and hopefully soon No animal products except for occassional seafood, eggs, Chicken 2x a Month.
The extraction of meat is a personal decision!!

Just a few weeks ago as I spoke of in the prior blog, I was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes. Wheither do to genetics or poor decisions My goal is to lose that diagnosis! I don't like dependency of any kind, even prescription medications feel un natural to me, obviously many need them and should take them as prescribed! I am not a licensed physician I simply have an opinion for my life, and what comes into my body!
I don't consume any alcohol not even a sip since January, I do not smoke cigarettes quit Cold turkey In January. I despise any mind altering substance, and I hate what it does to people! I do not judge those who have a drink or two but in my journey to a healthy, God approved life It's crucial for me to clean my mind, my body and my surroundings in order that I can be everything I was meant to be!

I encourage you to come back every week for new updates, blogs and recipes. Please feel free to ask me anything pertaining to health and my diet progress! I love talking and helping others. 

Nedynia // Nadynezworld
