Dear. Readers,
I know I don't write as often as I use to, I've been through so much in the past year and a half to even begin to try to explain. As a blogger it's important to keep your readers, fans and supporters in the loop! That would be great if I myself resided in the loop! 
They've formed a war against me A war I will not lose!
Life has been a world wind from my tragedy my sadness then to my anger. Many things you don't expect to happen and just like any human I've at times struggled to catch my breath as disbelief has frequently punctured a lung! I'm not a person who dwells on the bad decisions people make even if the injustice is evident in my life I just keep in my mind that God will one day due away with wickedness and those who partake in evils splendor. Win or lose I've won a million times over because I have the truth in my heart, I live by a moral standard, I've forgiven myself for my misguided trust and I've learned that people will do just about anything to make there sorry lives worth the sweat it took to conceive them! In my new found strength I've also realized that beauty is visible through the actions of good people, opportunist have no boundaries and  Loss isn't prejudice. The best people lose everything and the worst try to gain what isn't rightfully there's. For many years I thought my life was a tragedy but my daughter taught me that every tragedy that is survived is a success and creates memories that continue to fill you with endurance even after your legs lose there ability to balance. I was born in a world where darkness was always two steps behind me ensuing me but it was always easy to find my way, it was always easy to be the best at what I loved most and now what I miss most. Many might read this and perceive it as subliminal but the demons who try to gain from my tragedy will understand that this is a letter to them! You can throw all your arrows straight at me all they can do it scratch the surface because I am what you can never be! I was a mother father grandmother sister friend nurse doctor I was everything while you chose to be nothing! You will lose because its in your genetic makeup to fail! Your evil selfish and disgusting plots wont get you far. The one thing I was great at was fighting for my daughter and protecting her and even when she's gone My life is still dedicated to just that! No one will dishonor her NOT EVEN YOU! I will be everything I need to be I will fight until my time is up! I will survive everything because I've finally embraced the Truth! I've learned that the world has nothing to offer and that God loves me more than I can repay him for. I love him for the privilege's he gave me privilege's you took for granted by choice not by forced as you've claimed. Not once was your love for your own flesh and blood stronger than your love for yourself been evident and never have you loved enough to bare witness to the beauty you helped create. I know people wait to see if I will compromise my integrity or go crazy writing about what's happening today, but you and everyone connected to you aren't worth a mention. 
I am strong enough to handle anything, I do not fear anything, Please make sure that when all is said and done you can muster up the humanity to forgive yourself! Your going to need it!
Revelation 21:3-5 Is God's promise and it is what gives me the strength to survive! NHM 
