Male AND Female, Can they Be just friends?
By: NHM AKA Nadynezworld
This question is one that comes up often. I have asked many there opinion and after much research my answer is still the same but before I answer I will give the reasoning behind my answer.
Due to human imperfection at many times its difficult to control emotions, thoughts and actions. It takes a lot of inner strength to do what is right because what is wrong is the easiest action. Friendship is a beautiful thing but if you would PLEASE consider the responsibilities of a friend.
1. Honesty
2. Trust
3. Loyalty
4. Protection
5. Commendation
6. Praise
7. Up building
Just to name a Few.
When a girlfriend or a guy friend ends a relationship the first thing a friend does is honestly counsel a friend, the friend with trust listens, do to loyalty takes a side, protects the feelings of the friend commends them for there strength, praises what this ex has potentially lost, then goes in for the cherry on top and begins the up building process by filling the friend with confidence. Appreciation is high emotions are erratic and mental decisions are made. Same sex friends will simply be confirmed that they have the best friend others would die for! But what about different sex friends. This can get a little tricky. A persons intentions can start out innocent but love is very tricky and the heart truly is treacherous. Respect for someone is simply one emotion, but the makeup of a human is not built by one emotion alone!
Men and woman can be friends but the idea that too much association with the opposite sex cant lead you into emotional wreckage or danger is unrealistic. It doesn't have to be that you ever utter a word of insight to the unaware party thoughts are just as dangerous and painful. Sometimes down right wrong.
Ask yourself these questions,
Do I immediately smile at the thought of this friend?
Does every text, call or any form of communication take all my attention and focus?
Do I think of this friend before bed, when I wake up or do I dream of them?
If even for a second do I find them attractive passed the simple Your pretty or cute?
Has this friend become the go to for every situation?
Can I go there if put on the spot?
I cant possibly give you all the questions you must ask yourself,
But I'm assuming you guys are getting the point.
I think men and woman can be friends but it definitely takes both a modicum of sensitivity and a level of restraint. It doesn't make you a bad person when crossing the line occurs mentally but error is in our inheritance! Most opposite sex friendships end in marriage ( which is great) heartache when feelings aren't reciprocated and unfortunately the statistics favor the destruction/ downfall of friendships.
That's not to say that there are not successful opposite sex friendships its simply to say everything needs to be monitored, in moderation and no matter how certain you may be, eagerly using the words never please remember that the only thing impossible in a humans life is to never fail fall short or make a mistake you once said you couldn't or wouldn't make! You are not stronger than natural inclination You are not perfect or close enough to perfection to never slip and fall!So with all that said I wish all the best!
Remember to cherish what is right and good be careful Always!
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