
By: Nadynezworldrocks aka NHM 

Life is short, amazing opportunities don't knock on your door regularly so its important to take every moment as a gift, appreciate once in lifetime opportunities and always hold on tight to the things you need never losing your grip to play with something you want! The heart is treacherous and can lead you in the wrong place! NHM

So many get wrapped up in whats popular, be the most noticeable, be popular, belong to anyone or anything, the thing with that mind set is that your never an individual shining for your own qualities rather you are an imitation of everyone walking the same path! There is a saying that says The squeaky wheel gets the oil or maybe you've heard the early bird gets the worm. Either one can be a good modo for your life! If everything in this world was one color or every individual looked similar life would be boring everything would seem redundant. Everybody was created differently in order that our lives would be filled with variety and differences. So many do the same things on the same corners rocking the same foam possites or Jordan's, thats cool and all but if you look around you whats really so appealing about it!? Most people rocking them still live in somebody else's house so yeah you have 10,000 worth of sneakers but you still in the projects paying no bills. What ever happened to standing out, being a leader and not a follower??
Then you have all these woman on social networks looking for a man acting like thirst traps, breast and body being rated all day by little boys with the slightest idea of how to be a man! A real man sees a woman for what she is before her body becomes something to rate! And if her body is all she has to offer how far can you really get, except a bed which by the way can come with its own problems!

Now the best topic of all is these million dollar dreamers with minimum wage work ethics! Every body has a dream they fantasize about what they can almost be, Im a strong believer that things are made possible or impossible by the individual. Nothing can stop you from being great except for you. If you use every opportunity to help you progress, and no I don't mean take people for granted or use anyone I mean learn educate and progress from every lesson and situation! If one job won't pay you the income you desire or deserve find another and of course never burn bridges give your two week notice! Many have children and use them as the excuse but they should be your motivation! Be great so that they have the drive to measure up when there of age! 
Never use children as a pawn, its terrible in many ways. Children deserve the best in a world filled with the worst! Never let your failures be the reason you punish your child. Baby mommas and drama seem to go hand in hand but truth be told truly loving your child would never allow you to use them or manipulate anyone in there name! To love a child is to sacrifice, the whole world doesn't revolve around you especially after you birth a child! If love is no longer present move on but allow the child to have and enjoy the best of life with both parents without exposing them to pain aggression and bitterness!! 
It's so crucial to value every moment you have and too make it count! Nowadays everyone claims to be good but what is good produces good and if the root of something is bad all it will ever bring forth is unusable fruitage! A foundation must be solid built to last if any situation is lacking such stability it will fail no matter how many times you try! You can't rebuild on a broken foundation the slightest pressure will force it to collapse! 
Don't almost be the best you can, don't almost do the right thing, be the person that stands out by simply being a better person! Don't misuse or use someone who loves you, don't take for granted the gift of having someone believe in you because in life it is very rare sometimes non existent to find a genuine human being that loves you passed your exterior that wants to see you be amazing and that will give anything to see your dreams and happiness manifest! That my friends isn't almost anything! I say all these things with hopes that I can change even one perspective on whats truly of value and what simply exist! TAKE EVERYTHING IN LIFE AS A GIFT YOU CANT REDO LIFE!

Yours Literally,
Nadynezworldrocks aka NHM 
