The perception that a woman that gives her all is lost is inaccurate, the only time she is lost is when she ignores the fact that she's given everything to an empty man And even then she can find her way! NHM
Love is an emotion readily given so much validity, but a love that is fabricated can easily confuse and consume so its important to know whether the love you think you've encountered is real or a figment of the perception you were lead to believe in via hollywood. The people we see behind the screen are the fairytale created by the simple mind. The more educated individual is well aware that love is like an unbuilt tower, it comes with a million pieces, no directions, few tools and even fewer workers! There is no insurance, sometimes you work your fingers to the bone and you get the minimum wage! Mishaps will occur, things will break, not fit, and people will get hurt, but just as an unbuilt tower would serve no real purpose so too is a love that is unstructured! It's important to pay close attention to every sign, organize the pieces, master the resources and build, every day build just a little more!
There is not a lot of time to sit around and complain about the work rather get started as soon as you know this tower is worth building.
Many will claim a love that's truly nonexistent. It's become common practice for woman to except the word wifey with no real commitment, they share the building of some random building forgetting that there tower awaits two builders not one! Woman especially have the tendency to look past the reality and live in oblivion hoping that endurance will qualify them as a permanent resident, the thing is that if the landlord of the building causes a ruckus the least permanent resident gets evicted that's likely the one in purposeful delusion! I see so many woman fight for some irrelevant man who barely loves himself and seeks constant approval by the masses to fulfill his insecurity, the dilemma there is simple, a man that doesn't love himself can never fulfill the heart of a woman who doesn't love herself enough to demand more. I'm sorry ladies but its 2014 and men are much more translucent and true love has no replication you can't imitate a real emotion and the only time you can be fooled is when you choose to stop paying attention! You can't blame anyone for the time you waste, or the man you chase. You can't be mad at the next or the rest if you allow the nonsense to exist. No one is completely oblivious unless its by choice! Don't ask for real anything if you except fake everything!
I chose the title "I am Not In Darkness" not because it completely had pertinence to this piece more so to announce that there are very intelligent woman in this world! I'm no fool and if I love I love hard I give my very best and my all but if I was hurt I'm a firm believer that the least attentive is the quickest to fall and the fall is a choice period. I don't care what lengths are taken to prove your relevant actions speak volumes and if your sharing with others that isn't true love its simply a pass time that has an expiration date. It may feel like the best love you've ever known but if sacrifices aren't made and hurt isn't limited to imperfection love will never exist fully it will just be enough to keep you stuck! Nothing is perfect but if two people are meant to be together they will work hard to keep each other happy. Laughter doesn't cure everything but I believe the couple that laughs together last together. The man that loves the woman will be there rain sleet snow and even when times are rough he will never give up fighting! If he stops fighting or never fought at all truly there is no purpose in your bitterness, take the loss and move on! The bitter woman becomes frigid and ridged as poorly cut glass, she scrapes up everything and leaves nasty scars and while she believes that revenge is sweet the joke is always on her, she is the one who excepted her minimum and can't complain when the check is cut and printed!
My point is simple and truer words have never been spoken, a woman who allows herself to dwell in darkness has decided for herself that she isn't fit to be in the luminous lighting protruding in the radiance of a woman truly loved by her man!
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