BY: NHM AKA Nadynezworld

Many believe that the ability to provide the latest and greatest for there children makes for great parenting, but the truth be told, growing up not having too much taught me to use my imagination, appreciation and respect. NHM 

It is so common for children of today to be completely hypnotized by modern technology, violent video games, Rated R movies, parents who believe that being there child's friend is better than actually teaching them the difference in the roles that its evident true parenting has been diluted to nothing. More and more we see children committing violent crimes, dropping out before high school, teenage pregnancy and disease are so common there not even respected as a threat! 
Some will sugar coat this behavior but True to who I am I never will! This type of parenting is pure laziness and quite honestly it is failure at its very best. 

When you have a child your goal should be to teach them to be better than what you've seen and better than what you've done in life! Teaching a child to represent themselves similar to everyone else is crippling them, the inability to be original not just in attire but in behavior, character and intellect make for a boring world filled with waisted life period! It is said that today's children won't pick up a book unless forced, I remember when reading was fun, my favorite store is still Barnes and noble! I actually still purchase books and write handwritten letters simply because some traditions are to precious to dilute with iPads and cards with another persons sentiment that by the way has been passed on to multitudes of people! 

I see children walking around speaking with a language that is disgusting, every kid is wearing the same clothing, the same head phones can not hold a conversation to save there lives, and don't get me started on the ignorant slang dear God its nauseating! Imagination is non existent and the vocabulary used is so adolescent Your not even sure what the educational system is actually teaching. Just recently I saw a 12 year old on Instagram wearing lingerie, her caption read "I get it from My moms" you then had grown men commenting on this photo in a way that had me in complete rage! My baby would never! Not because I was a perfect mom that my friends doesn't exist but because what are your kids doing on social media sites at that age, NOT MINES, never! Not to mention in sexy adult attire 
, I really can't with today's view on what is socially acceptable! Sexy doesn't even belong in the mind of a child! PARENTS PLEASE GET IT TOGETHER!

Take a moment out of your life and pay attention to what your raising! Do not be proud of mediocrity, single or not you made a choice, live up to it! I don't care what you do in your spare time raise these princesses to love themselves, to cherish there bodies and to never settle for whats in this world! Raise these princes to want more, to earn every dollar, to respect woman and to be selective! Teach your children that intellect is much cooler than popularity and that true honor is depicted through character and the maintenance of integrity! A kid that can shoot a gun or tell you what the latest ignorant babble means, or what drug is the coolest that my readers is the image of your failure!! 

I tell you because I care…..

Yours Literally and artistically, 
