Suicide is the third leading cause of death in young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year according to the CDC. For every suicide amongst young people there are at least 100 attempts.
Types of bullying include physical, emotional, cyberbullying, sexting, or circulating suggestive ideas and images of someone.
We've all heard the stories
October 17, 2006 Megan Taylor Meier Age 13 hung herself due to cyber bullying
October 7, 2003 Ryan Patrick Halligan Suicide
September 2008 Sladjana Vidovic Suicide
Phoebe Prince Suicide
September 9, 2013 Rebecca Sedwick Climbed a tower and hurled herself to her death
2014 Thomas Thompson overdose 11 years old
2014 Ashley Cardona 12 years old suicide
The list goes on and on...
It is important that as parents we take the time to notice the signs of both the chances of our kids being the bully or the victim. A child's behavior is molded at home I REPEAT AT HOME! Ignorance should never be blissful! Signs of depression, change in behavior that worsens, lack of interest or appetite, obsessive behavior, changes in appearance, there are so many things to look for and all though that may seem difficult, I hope you will find it easier than losing your child for not asking the questions. So many parents wish they could've paid more attention. The thing is once a child loses hope what is the resolve? This piece is not just about suicide it is also about our need to take responsibility. This day in age violence is tolerated, socially excepted and worst of all condoned. We have media outlets that post violent fights, attempted and full filled homicides, rappers brag about guns and mock each others differences, woman of loose immoral conduct have become idolized and the average person is left wondering where they fit in. The need to fit in is so prevalent in young children and teens, who and what are you without the cool clothes ridiculously priced sneakers and the latest in technology. If you aren't violent, if you aren't the replica of every other child you are different which in todays society makes you the brightest target.
That is why as parents we must teach our children that being unique and standing as in individual are greater than the redundancy and bland identifying mark that does not set you apart! We must educate our kids not in societies idiocy but on how to speak of all things, especially things of such horrific nature. Now a days there is more than the birds and the bees to discuss, today we must speak about the dangers of being overly confident, too cool or not cool enough. We have to teach our kids about gun violence, modesty, and respect for there bodies. Back in the day we joked about our kids starting young with the boyfriend and girlfriend stuff now it is the norm for kids to raise kids. Most notably we must teach our kids that nothing they do nothing or that they are warrants abusive slander, bullying of any sort and no matter how different they are they have parents who love them and need them!
Teach your kids from birth to detest violence and yes that means no violent video games, no rated R films, no music that glorifies violence, no curse words or them visualizing you being violent, teach your daughters to love themselves, to honor there bodies, check cell phones NO PRIVACY For anyone who doesn't pay bills is my motto. Limit internet access, and monitor internet activity, Daily conversations about what there day consisted of, ask them if anyone bothers them or if they bother others. Ask the uncomfortable questions before you receive the horrific answers once nothing can be done. A parents job is to parent, educate and mold, not to be down, cool, passive, or befriend, todays world has no filter, its filled with complete disregard for life, spoiling your child equates to you hating your child! Discipline is necessary and before anyone is offended by that very beautiful word please be completely educated in its definition! Discipline is not nor has never been Hitting, hitting is violence and if you teach your child the way your suppose to hitting will almost be non existent! It is never ok to encourage your children to be bullies, or to be so passive that they are the victims of bullying!
Life should never be so busy that we fail to protect our offspring! No parent is to blame for there childs suicide but I believe more can be done to educate and protect our kids from being victimized or being the victimizer!
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