Are You doing Too Much By: NHM


I hear so many people complain about there relationships. Many claim to love one another but cheat every opportunity they have, whether its worth it or not it's a choice you have to make but it is exhausting and costly! Exhausting because keeping up with lies and deceit is an every second job, and costly because whats failed to be realized is that if an individual cheats with you knowing your going home to someone they have no self respect or worth so 9 out of 10 you won't end up with any of these fly bys anyway, costing you a great person for a non existent one! 

Men and woman get so wrapped in the worlds birds eye view of everything. Beauty is now based on fake body parts, body enhancements, money, stature and sex appeal. If there promiscuous they are honored, which is both gross and contrary to what I've ever known. 

Keeping it real is free! Honesty and integrity are self attributes, if you lack those two who can trust you? People get bored so easily because social networks and social media period have taken everything from the worlds imagination! No body goes on dates anymore, nobody is romantic , everything is based on how bad a chick is or how paid a dude is! The love is only real if you instagram it, REALLY? What ever happened to building together and beauty from within! The world can have a body makeover and still suck as people, we can all be rich and be spiritually and morally  impoverished! 

If you can not commit to someone stay alone, If monogamy isn't for you than say it. Nobody has there cake and eats it whole without consequence! Eat a whole cake by yourself you'll be on the toilet bowl all day crapping out your stupidity. Too much of anything is not good for you! 
It's becoming more and more evident that woman are becoming the providers and men are staying home which is ok if it works, but we can't reverse roles without no hitches, a woman can lie if she wants too but the truth is, we do lose some level of respect if were doing it all with no help!
If you become complacent and you stop telling her what she means to you someone else will get in her ear, Satan takes no breaks people!

Forget to appreciate her and she will become bitter. 
Trust is the root of all relations, trust then molds the level of love you share, the minute trust is gone the relationship is gone! 
The minute you have to search, investigate and question, GAME OVER! In life we all deserve a level of privacy, if there is communication problems, talk! If your not attracted anymore speak, so that your partner has the opportunity to reinvent themselves. Only weak people run around and yes we've all been weak but when its time to grow up, do so! 
If you cheat expect to be cheated on! If you lie and deceive expect to be shocked right off your high horse because they already payed you back you just don't know it yet! 

What happens at home should stay there!!
Social media has become an outlet for drama and don't get me started on how many he ain't crap post and five minutes later he's back to being the love of your life! ugh those make me sick! I don't care whats happening the world does not want to hear about it! If you say its over 20 times and go back 20 times on social media guess what everybody even the likers are doing? laughing at your expense and mocking you! Your business does not belong on front street, its immature and stupid! 
As a matter of fact private lives are usually the healthiest! Obviously you claim your spouse but its not necessary to tell the world every detail about your union! 75 pictures out of a hundred don't have to be of you hugging and kissing that usually sells itself as insecurity! If he or she is yours, y'all know it! Period!

Relationships are beautiful if both individuals are honest and respectful of one another's strengths and weaknesses! They have too truly get each other to last together! Don't just jump in blind, except the positive and negative before jumping, if you can handle it (truly) then go for it! If you can't, don't benefit yourself at the cost of another, that's ugly on all levels! Keep it real from the gate so that nobody is hurt and the possibilities of greatness are endless! Don't just lay with anyone, respect yourself and get to know the person truly, after sex if there is nothing to talk about, what truly was the purpose? Its crazy to know that a 5 minute mistake can ruin your life or take it but that's the reality! Condoms break and diseases are not evident from ones look, a lot of these "bad chicks and hot dudes" are carrying incurable disease and can care less who they give it too! 

I've never been one for typical or basic behavior! I work hard to get my own and I am confident in my beauty and what I can bring to the table, I don't care if the world wants you or if your hotter than the border of the equator, if you don't respect me, if you don't appreciate me I'm gone! Waisted time can not be repurchased and I value my reputation and my life! I won't play revenge games and turn into a forensic analyst if you running the streets and you ain't meeting the standard we created, you won't get life from me, no sir! 
Be with the person that makes you feel like everything is possible! Give your very best to the person that gives it to you, not the person the world assumes is right! Love and cherish the person loyal and honest that rides the waves with you and if there ever comes a point where there is no hope, that wasn't love that failed it was you! Love will never be perfect it takes hard work and dedication! IT TAKES TEAM WORK, IF HE OR SHES DOING EVERYTHING DOLO EVENTUALLY YOU WILL BOTH LOSE RESPECT! Give 100% at all times, that my friends is fail proof! 
When you find the missing piece of the puzzle its placement isn't forced rather it fits perfectly! 

