Love without Fuel is like a plant with out water. At first it fights to survive, countering all the elements but eventually it succumbs to its natural tendency, it dehydrates, then it starves, eventually it dies! It never duplicates even though the root is never fully pulled, so its remnant is left behind simply to remind you it was once there! After heart break and disappoint its hard to fully trust so you don't and in the process you may very well walk away from what had the capacity to flourish even in the toughest of elements, Yourself! Love that has potential is not perfect, but amazing enough to be imperfect and feel spotless! NHM
I hear so many stories from woman and men talking about an ex who dogged them out but later returned to there previous owner after all else failed them. They assumed the grass was greener only to find that greener grass means more grazing, more competition to eat until not much is left! Is greener grass as appealing now? The thing with this situation is, you shouldn't have to lose something in order to realize its value, to lose it takes some serious action or lack of action!
If you didn't love the person why remain, why lie? Letting go sometimes takes way more strength than just staying due to convenience. But letting go too quickly can also be a mistake.
You get so complacent that you make yourself believe your way of handling someone amazing is best making ridiculous mistakes that eventually are the demise of the relationship, by being overly confident, not giving too much because it's safer, making yourself believe you deserve better when better doesn't exist, because 5 seconds with the best is all you need to know This is different, its not typical or simple, it's not like any other feeling or person. Handle it with specific and unique care, you'll miss it when its gone! Sometimes its so unfamiliar your not so sure but your sure, you just haven't admitted it to yourself yet!
The person who loves you enough to believe in you, motivates you and gives you new perspective, helps you when no one would, is there when everything is bad hoping to help making it good again, that's the one you keep. The one you fight for, because they are the ones who would fight for you!
Everybody wants you when you got it all together, your the life of the party everywhere you go not because the world is aware of your struggle but because they want a piece of the pie you seem to be enjoying. At all cost they will get a taste try to convince you that you can do better.
Misery loves company so people lacking love will tell you to party like a rock star but how many rock stars you know of are so lonely amidst thousands if not millions of admirers. Versus those who are actually happy? Majority are miserable! Most Rock stars intoxicate themselves to oblivion in order to not feel emptiness, so yeah you could have the world at your feet due to your amazing look or character or bankroll, but where will they be if they knew they stood to gain nothing except you?
Fairy tales make you believe in love at first sight and happily ever afters, they never show the realities we all face. Love can live and die, it can be amazing and it can be horrible! Love is not perfect but to know it exist and ignore it or kill it because you believed it would always be yours or wasn't of the highest value to onlookers, guess what onlookers are like tourist they never stick around, And when you need them most they disappear running right onto greener grass in there assumption it's more appealing, but wait till they take that first bite and realize this new grass is not even real, its dyed green and has no life in it and here you are now starving for a taste of the grass you thought became odd tasting.
I called this piece game over for a grand exit.
See, the lack of attention, the negligence, the taking but never giving, the disappointment of broken promises, the cheating, the players manuscript all that lack of effort, and disrespect all that is temporary and costly, eventually it plays itself out, it gets boring and that is when you realize how much time you waisted. Worst of all you realize who you lost in your process and when they no longer allow you access while in the arms of someone who knew better and did better that is quite the price to pay! To know the one person you should've kept is the one you let go so easily can be as redundant as winning all the money in the world with one catch don't lose the ticket to cash in and you just hand the ticket over to some stranger trusting that if you come right back, they wouldn't cash in and force you to live with whats if and regrets forever!
When you use the words I love you mean them, live by them, if love is not what you feel and your pretentious because the situation behooves you, do not forget that if you do onto others only what is bad eventually you'll crave good but your track record will never allow freedom to love fully when your heart leaves pieces behind! I don't believe in karma I believe in something of actual substance, the conscience! It will never be at peace and war within yourself with yourself is always a lose lose! Don't let someone else have your perfect person! Don't give in to societies ideals of what and whom is right for whom or who is more attractive or compatible because the world has a distorted view of art and beauty and once you trap yourself in that mental puppeteered prison there is no escape! Love the person who loves you with nothing but you as the prize! Anything idolized by the world is the most dangerous thing to have!
Don't take life and people for granted! Be honest, be real, be loyal! Stand by your words and set yourself apart from the masses because the masses dwindle and all together disappear. Now look next door to the beautiful grass you underestimated, its growing beautifully and someone else is enjoying its fruitage while your flossing your teeth with the plastic dyed green shrubs. The imagery alone sucks but it's reality for those who mess up something great! You'll beg for it back, you'll pray it returns, you'll miss it so bad and crave it even more but when it's game over, the game is over! Don't let conformity to what is glorified and popularized by an oblivious world dictate your future! Build empires with like minds and love those back who love you unconditionally! See a blessing except the blessing then live deserving it! If you don't you will end up begging for that old thing back but than my friend IT IS GAME OVER! YOU LOST YOUR TURN! NHM
+Nadynezworld TWITTER
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