Whose opinion matters whether or not your going too fast?
The world loves to be opinionated on situations that don't concern them, the claim is, they do it out of concern but most times it's because your doing something they can't perhaps in the company they can't keep and want, that dear friends is called a hater.
Opinions have relevance but they are not the end all to a situation. A person's happiness does not depend on whether or not the world excepts what makes them happy! To tell someone they are moving to fast really isn't of your personal concern because time frames should be set by the individual or individuals in the situation! There is no prerequisite for happiness or love! No time limit on what or when people should feel. God allows us the free will to do what it is we believe is right of course with standard and moral attached.
Every one loves to tell you your moving to fast but my question is who are you and why is it too fast? Which one of us can dictate someones future except our creator?
If two people find each other at the right time, and bring out the best in one another and everything concerning them plays out perfectly why is moving at high speed wrong? Don't misunderstand, I'm not condoning any premature sexual relations I'm simply saying if two people feel like they are meant to be, who are you to judge!
let's elaborate, say two people out of no where find each other after numerous let downs and heart ache, they've now reached a level of maturity to know warning signs and avoidance of certain things, but what if nothing but blessings come about, that's when it gets real! You will have a million haters, attempted sabotages from friends family and enemies. I've come to believe the more something is hated the more work you should put into keeping it!
Love is between two people ready to love, if the world say's they can't because of time then the world is oblivious to the power of something real.
Two amazing people come together and create something so spectacular that every sense is awakened to a hating world. Not everything is set up to fail it is the choice of the two people whether or not they will allow it to fail. If a hater or a self appointed judge have the power to break something it was never strong enough to withstand life period.
The beauty about finding your equal is acknowledging that you have, and fighting to keep them!
How do you know you found your equal, well check the stats:
Do they compliment you?
Do they support you?
Do they understand you?
Do you benefit from them not just monetarily but also mentally?
Do you think of them even on bad days?
When you argue do you worry that it's over?
Do you miss them when there not around?
Do you laugh together?
Can you be yourself without fear of judgement?
When you have little, do they sustain you and provide what you need?
Do you love her/him?
Can you imagine life never hearing from them again?
Do they make you feel better than you did before them?
There are so many questions one can ask themselves, but bottom line is if they make you feel like every and anything is possible why lose them? Why not speed, move fast right to the part where forever is an option, because the worst feeling in life is regret for the chances you didn't take. Knowing you had the perfect person but let them go out of fear or the opinions of others will only hurt you in the end! Be careful not to let the world destroy the beauty two perfect imperfect people create, don't let typical useless error be the reason you end up with someone typical! There is not a body or face in the world that could replace the one who saw you for what you are and what you could become, there is not a replacement half as valuable as the one who will build with you and equally give you what the world failed to!
So, are you moving to fast, nope your moving at the exact speed you should! And if all that is around you are critics find a new circle because a friends job is to support you and even if it fails there only job is to console you! There not on your pay stub paying you for your feelings, so dismiss the world too typical to recognize amazing! Truth be told only one amazing person can instantly recognize and captivate another amazing person, when that happens hold on tight, because the world is coming for you but if the foundation is as solid as the bond they will crumble on impact!
NHM AKA Nadynezworld
@Nadynezworld (Twitter)
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