By: Nadynezworld
Getting into a new relationship is difficult even more so when they still haven't gotten over their past love. Many, in order to not feel the pain of heartbreak will rush into another relationship, unfairly they hurt their new relationship because they delusion themselves perhaps that their ex will return if they see them pretend happiness!
The heart speaks for whom it loves and not anyone on the earth can attempt to penetrate it if it belongs to a previous owner, I promise, nothing you do will change what you receive! You can't blame the ex or become so consumed watching them because your losing focus of yourself!
I don't understand why new girlfriends or boyfriends get so obsessed with the ex,
If your man still loves and wants me and I'm his ex obviously I left so why would you look at me as a threat? I get it. He probably sat their and told you all about me, about how I broke his heart, about how much hurt I caused him, you probably used that as your way in, promising to be better than me, to give him your all, and with all respect to you your doing your best but.... He can't shake me though, I know that sounds cocky but it's not, its facts.
I would'nt even think of checking for you, not until you started checking for me. Have I moved on, yes but will I always have a connection to my ex, lets see we spent years together, have the same circle of friends, yeah maybe we might run into one another, and yes I have always seen the love still there, unbothered untouched ready for me, but world I've closed those chapters of my life. Once your my ex and I've moved on I keep moving! I'm a free spirit I learned that on my journey, I'm messy artwork whose details are passionate but whose edges are not always refined and yet everyone seems to be threatened by my return. I have some unfortunate news for you, I don't go backwards, I'm growing every day so if you think I will entertain waisted time watching anyones life except my own you are crazy!
My photos are on display my vision may be on display, sometimes I will post a photo of a new moment but don't for one second assume I'm not living my own happiness and sadness. I grow daily and am learning by the second. I am not perfect believe me I know my sins but rest assured if I wanted your life I could have it in the blink of an eye and If I have not yet done so its apparent that I don't have any desire to return where you now lay!
If your man still hurts for me, to him I apologize because my heart has no malice. Beautiful things don't always end pretty, our moment was beautiful but when I said goodbye I meant it!
Someone else loves you too the point of watching my every move, someone is out there fighting for you the way you once had to fight for me, so give her a chance! I know your reading, you always did encourage my passions, thank you for that!
Dear New Chick although I appreciate social media traffic I don't favor congestion! I've respected the insecurity but now your pretty much on my nerve!
Don't watch me because I'm not a threat, I don't want him and in the event that the world freezes and melts and I bump my head lose my memory and perhaps want him back You'll be the first to know trust me! The probability of that is almost impossible so in this piece I'm saying good bye to you both! I know you find a way daily to check on me in some way, I know I'm always the topic but its time you both grab hands and run into the sunset together! Third wheels are never fun even if their invisible and just in your mind! I know I am a huge part of your day but today Is a new day, forget me today and tomorrow, free yourself from your obsession, I have no intention to be what you can't let go, but I'm gone so let go. Life is beautiful, live it! Not consumed in others or exes, don't try to prove a point to anyone you've released from your life!
Even if they hurt you to capacity, even if the pain was so intense you lost yourself! Be proud that you walked away from that toxic pain and enjoy the person in front of you! Chasing closure only keeps a sad book open!
Treat others with the same compassion you once wished for!
Give yourself a chance to be free by enjoying the love you actually do have!
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