You should've told me

By: Nadynezworld/NHM

In life I've made many mistakes and through my errors I've learned that mistakes are actions that cause hurt of some sort unintentionally. If a person does something repetitively, seemingly without remorse, the question must be posed, are you making mistakes and genuinely sorry or are you confusing someones kindness for weakness, under the assumption that nothing you do will cause you too lose them? 
I hate to sound cliche but the facts are the facts and truth be told no-one wants to give up, sometimes all they need is the show of effort that your willing too try. Once you lose something maybe it comes back, but maybe it don't, the question is, how much do you truly value what you have, and what will you sacrifice to keep it?

I see many people glorify the single life, claiming it's a blast. Those same people will post how lonely they are, or how much they wish they could find that one person. The one person who supports them in all aspects and genuinely loves them. You see countless meme's about people wishing for loyalty and respect! At certain ages settling down seems crazy, you want to explore the world and many people in it! It feels great to get attention and know that you got it, but I can assure you there is no honor in betraying anyone, without conscious who are you?! Being honest and giving people we love or care about options to deal or not too is a responsibility not a choice! Choosing too hurt someone robs you off any creditability of being called a good person let alone being seen as one! 

Communication is everything in any union!
If the person you love or loved is losing themselves, maybe in weight gain, maybe they don't turn up like they use too, maybe the physical aspect has gotten boring, whatever the situation, the solution is never too go out and find whats missing! Either you love someone enough to rebuild what may have some structural damage or just leave! Don't lie, or cheat! 

People no longer speak! They ignore all the bad habits, invalidate feelings they don't own, they get bored and before they make the effort at home their out in the streets betraying their loved ones and dishonoring themselves! 
Let me ask you something?
To master anything you must endure correct?! 
A real man or woman doesn't have multiple people they please in mediocre side hoe fashion, they don't give up at the first sight of pressure! Genuine love requires sacrifice, honesty, raw truth, communication, effort, trust and chemistry! Just to name a few! 
If your lady gained some pounds tell her KINDLY, if she ain't keeping the house clean sit her down and talk too her, or give her a helping hand! Before you criticize her! If she is insecure make her feel beautiful. Give her security, after all you do love her right? If she asks for some time give it too her!  THANK HER SOMETIMES! Ladies if he had a long day rub his feet and his back, cook him a meal, tell him how handsome he is or thank him for something! Don't expect a man too fully support you, sometimes fit the bill!
Men give what you receive! Treat a queen as she deserves, give her, her due. You may not think she has the capacity to find better or move on, but let me be crystal clear, good woman are rare just as good men are. There is no tragedy greater than the loss of the person you should've done everything to keep! 

Appreciation is free! Honesty is the molder of ones character, if you are known for being dishonest how can anything else about you be valid?!!! If you can hurt someone and sleep at night, you might really want to pray about who you are because a man or woman with no conscious is a man or woman who has sold his soul and no longer has rights too it! Actions good or bad have there consequences, they may not present themselves right away, but I promise at some point we all pay the wages for our sin! Now I want every one of my readers to self reflect at this very moment and ask yourselves: 

If I had too be held accountable at this very moment for all my wrong doing and the punishment for all my trifling ways was the stripping of my exterior skin, pain included, how much of my insides would be visible and how much pain will I endure, after the skin is stripped?! I personally can tell you that at best i'd have scratches but my skin would be fully intact! Can you say the same?! 

In life hiding from truth is foolish simply because no lie stays secret! No transgression is overlooked! We all get served what we deserve bad or good! There is NO excuse to lie too someone you love, you should tell them, not what you assume they want too hear but what they need too! 
Relationships are complicated, they all run into turbulence, but if you've experienced being hurt, take yourself back too that pain and than ask yourself if its okay too inflict that same pain on someone else? 
Love is a gift, one many still haven't experienced at its full capacity, I use too believe that love had a manual but it doesn't it has no direction and it does with you what it pleases! Sometimes you give love too people who don't deserve it! Sometimes love hurts like hell. The one thing love could never do though is hurt someone without reason and without remorse! 
If you have someone right now who has flaws, remember that you too have them! If you love someone some flaws aren't even visible but if all you can see is someones flaws either you've become like Jesus and your perfect or you straight up don't love them enough! Period!
There is zero honor in a man or woman that can't honorably stand by their actions in life! If you have to fake it leave it alone! 

The title I used does not make this piece about me rather it speaks towards my frustration towards dishonesty! If you don't love someone tell them and go, if you don't love them enough under no circumstance should you play them or their feelings! Remember that you too are human and even the strongest of people can be destroyed by their own course of conduct!!! You are not invincible and neither am I!! 
Being a good person is a damn responsibility not a choice no medium! Either your a good person or you ain't shit! Decide which one you are than be real enough too live up too it!

Yours literally and intellectually,


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