It is very easy to get complacent when someone is patient enough to wait for changes that never come! The world tells us it is okay to be disloyal and dishonest. Humans treat each other like old clothes, once something new is in style you no longer wear your old shit, thing is, fashion is just like love, what is classic is always in style and no matter what is new we always go back to what we love.
It is very easy to get wrapped up in what we don't have, sometimes we could have everything and lose it for nothing! Are you in a relationship? If so, what do you do the minute you wake up, do you take the time to appreciate the person beside you or do you check your phone before you even brush your teeth? Imagine if you would life without the person beside you now think about how many mornings you waisted entertaining people and things that truly don't matter, if they did you'd be there! What you give value you too is what you deserve so if you forget to value what you have you forfeit deserving it!
If you love someone truly it is easy to make sacrifices that prove that. How many promises have you broken, before you think of yourself do you ever think of your spouse, do you do for them equally what they do for you? If not ask yourself why not? When you love someone seldom are there limits! If limits are abundant then the person your with is not your future!
When someone is in love the simplest things bring them joy, a random walk a hand written note, random compliments, unexpected kisses, unplanned romance making love first thing in the morning, sleeping in each others arms, those are the things that inspire love!
If you do not desire those things with the person your with, why then are you with them?
Woman and men differ in many ways, one way that truly separates the two sexes is how we view matters of the heart. Men expect things while woman hope for them. How easy it is to entertain something with no responsibility rather than be responsible and handle properly what you already have!
Social media opens the door too so much hurt and yet I am not gullible enough to blame social media for the decisions people make! Social media itself is a great tool when used properly but when used to secretly be inappropriate it becomes the devils playground. Social media gives people easy access to cheat flirt steal kill and prey on peoples weaknesses simply because the less filters you put on your life the more your revered! The more information you give about your life the better!
It is very easy to do wrong, it is also easy to believe that you are getting away with it until the moment comes that you have to be held accountable for all your wrong doing, whether done in the dark or visible in the light!
It always baffles me how men can stop bringing flowers, stop caring, stop giving, how they can get so complacent with mediocre love at best that they completely lose the best love they will ever encounter!
The thing about life is that it is unbelievably short and unpredictable! If the person beside you ask you for love and they deserve it, man up and love them or leave them alone, so that when what they deserve comes around they can have it rather than waist time!
If flowers letters and making love is what your loved one desires it should come easy and natural to give if not, let the person go in order that they may one day have that!
My whole point is that small things make a huge difference, if you can't do small things again there is no future! Sometimes its the smallest request that get ignored and become the braking point of something that could be amazing otherwise!
If all she wants to do is dance just dance or hand her over to the dance floor!
yours literally and intellectually,
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